Have you gone to a presentation where you see somebody has got great content, but it’s so cold and boring?
You look around and people are on their phones and not engaged at all because the presenter is presenting without passion.
Well, before presenting, you must believe in your message. When you believe in your message, and you love your subject, naturally you’re going to be passionate about it.
If you attempt to get out and speak about something that you don’t believe in, it’s not going to work, and people can tell because you are not passionate about it. That’s why so many people go around saying, ” I want to become a public speaker” but they don’t last because they don’t have that belief in the message.
When I say Your Voice Changes Everything, I mean that your story, the way you use your voice to change the story will be what changes everything.
Well, I and my team will be in Nairobi this October and this is your opportunity to Master the art of becoming a memorable speaker.
Watch out for the training details………