Quick question... Whom do you want to sell to?
Well, here are 4 types of clients. You’ll tell me after reading whom you want to serve.
1. Cheap customers…
These buy based on price and are always looking out for a good deal. Sometimes they don’t even know the value you offer or what you do…
When they meet you, the first thing they ask is “How much do you charge?”
2. Difficult customers…
They are not necessarily cheap, they are just difficult. They are not that pleasant. They don’t smile that much and they’ve got this negative energy about them.
3. Sophisticated customers…
These are people who know what they are buying. They are very clear about what they want. They have done their research and have talked to a few people. Such people need time and they tend to ask a lot of intelligent questions.
4. Affluent customers…
They buy based on feelings. “Does this feel good?” If it feels good and they can afford it, they’ll buy it. Such clients don’t want deals and don’t need a lot of education when they are buying.
When making an investment, I am a sophisticated buyer. When buying toilet paper, I am a cheap buyer. In terms of your business…whom do you want to sell to?
Are you a Consultant/Coach seeking to understand why people buy so you can Position your product as their perfect solution. Or you want to sign your first client with proven strategies.
If this describes you then this class is a perfect start. Use this link to join the class: https://intelligent-performance.com/freetraining/